
Reading Other People’s Mail: 1 Peter – Day 2

Day 2—1 Peter 2 Read 1 Peter 2 Spiritual Growth for Newborn People Peter begins the 2nd chapter of his letter with the word, therefore. Whenever you see a therefore in the Bible, you can ask the question, what was said before the therefore. Therefore, is a connecting word to a previous thought. Peter had […]

Great Truths from 1 Peter

The books between Hebrews and Revelation are letters from the earliest disciples of Jesus to the people they were encouraging and teaching. We get to read these letters and hear the thoughts of these first followers of Jesus: eyewitnesses to the life, death and resurrection. Today we are focusing on the letter of 1 Peter.

Reading Other People’s Mail: 1 Peter 1 – Day 1

Introduction Peter introduces himself in the first verse of his letter as, “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ.” This letter is written to other first-century Christians in, what is now, modern-day northern Turkey. At the end of the letter, we find out that Peter has written with the help of Silas (Silvanus). Silas was quite […]