
Relate: What Happens After Forgiveness – Week 3, Day 3

Forgiveness is a Gift Forgiveness is the gift that God gives us that we can also give to others. There is a sense in which, God pre-forgives. 1 John 2:2 says, 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. God Provides […]

Relate: Why Forgiveness is Important – Week 5, Day 1

Forgiving Forward Bruce and Toni Hebel have written a book called Forgiving Forward. In their book about forgiveness, they write about how hurts in their own life had turned them bitter and made them susceptible to being hurt again. There were just too many soft spots for people to touch. The Danger of Unforgiveness Even the […]

Relate: We Are All Helpers – Week 3, Day 2

We Are All Helpers Ed Welch in the book Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love says that we are all helpers. We need help and we need to help others.  And we help more often than we realize. We listen to a friend or a spouse about what happened at work […]

Relate: Our Relationships Matter – Week2, Day 5

Doing Life in Relationship with Others Our Relationships matter. We were created to do life in relationship with other people. That’s not easy. Especially when people are being difficult or there are the kind of people in life that we need to be cautious of, people like Nabal, who we learned about over the last […]

Relate – Learn From the Wise – Week 2, Day4

Maintaining Control When Offended David almost lost control. He almost turned to violence to deal with an offense. He wanted revenge. And there’s a sense in which Nabal, the man David was going to punish, needed to be put in his place. Nabal was mean, nasty, cruel, and unjust. His own servant described him as […]