
Reading Other People’s Mail: 2 John – Day 1

Introduction to 2 John Instructions in Conflict One person described this little letter as “correspondence from the front.[1] It’s an interesting image to think about, but it makes sense when you understand the letters background. This letter was written in the aftermath of a conflict. The readers are those who are left in a local […]

Great Truths from 2 John

The books between Hebrews and Revelation are letters from the earliest disciples of Jesus to the people they were encouraging and teaching. We get to read these letters and hear the thoughts of these first followers of Jesus: eyewitnesses to the life, death and resurrection. Today we are focusing on the second letter from John.

Reading Other People’s Mail: 1 John – Day 5

Day 5 – 1 John 5 Take some time to Read 1 John chapter 5 Love—Again John never tires of his favorite subject. The follower of Jesus is a follower because of their faith in Christ and their love for God in all of his majesty. That faith is characterized by love—love for God and […]

Reading Other People’s Mail: 1 John – Day 4

Day 4 – 1 John 4 Take some time to Read 1 John chapter 4 Develop Discernment John wants every one of his readers to understand that the Christian life is also a life of discernment. It’s important that we understand the difference between right and wrong. It’s also important that we understand true teaching […]

Reading Other People’s Mail: 1 John – Day 3

Day 3 – 1 John 3 Take some time to Read 1 John chapter 3 The Pursuit of Purity Much of the theme of John’s letter is love. First and foremost, it is the love of God for each one of us. John says that even the fact that we can be called children of […]