Relate – He takes Time for Us, We Take Time for Each Other – Week 2 – Day 1

John’s story of Jesus’s trip through Samaria has a lot to teach us about what it looks like to “take time” for others. John 4:4 says, 4 Now he had to go through Samaria. John 4:4 is the shortest verse in the fourth chapter of John. It’s easy to miss the significance of this verse. Jesus On […]

Relate: Being Prepared for Relationship – Day 5

John Maxwell in his book Winning With People quotes Stanley C. Allyn saying, “The most useful person in the world today is the man or woman who knows how to get along with other people.” Wow! Relationship is all about knowing how to “get along with people.” Relationally Challenged Maxwell goes on to say, “Let’s […]


We were made for relationship! Genesis 2 tells us that there was one element missing from creation. It was the only thing that God declared “not good.” It was not good for man to be alone.

What is Communion?

Communion is a reminder that Jesus gave life a ransom for whoever believes. It is also a reminder of the relationship that believers have with Christ and with each other. We will be celebrating communion together at the end of the service on Sunday!

Joseph: Out of the Pit 10

The story of Joseph can be found in Genesis, chapters 17-50. His story is not a comfortable story. It is full of conflict, tragedy, crisis, and yes, God’s unseen work going on in the background. If you have ever gone through tough times and wondered how God is working, then this is a story for you.